9. Pre-Notice Discussion of Proposed Repeal and Amendments of Regulations concerning Electronic Filing of SEIs with the FPPC.

Staff: Valerie Nuding, Commission Counsel. Staff presents proposed amendments to Regulations 18115.2, 18313.5, 18313.6, 18724, 18730, 18754, and 18756 as well as the proposed repeal of Regulation 18753. These changes are in response to recent legislation contained in AB 1170, and staff proposes the changes to clarify and clean up the Commission’s related regulations. The proposed amendments are presented for pre-notice discussion and feedback, with potential adoption to occur at the April Commission meeting.   

Staff Memo
Proposed Repeal of Regulation 18753
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18115.2
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18313.5
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18313.6
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18724
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18730
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18754
Proposed Amendment to Regulation 18756

Comment Letter – Roxanne Faber
Comment Letter – Kerry Bigelow
Comment Letter – David Carnahan

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2 thoughts on “9. Pre-Notice Discussion of Proposed Repeal and Amendments of Regulations concerning Electronic Filing of SEIs with the FPPC.

    1. FYI, people watching the stream of this meeting online cannot hear the public comment that is being offered via phone.

    2. I am writing to you today to suggest ideas on improving the collaboration between the FPPC and local filing officials. To improve access to information and transparency of AB1170 affected filers, I would suggest the commission explore this option: Offer a data exchange between the FPPC filing system and the system of the local jurisdiction; thus, allowing for expanded statements to be electronically filed that meet local jurisdictions’ electronic filing. The exchange had come a long way since first implemented. This can increase access to information and transparency. Most community members are accustomed to the local filing official having the original filing of filers within its jurisdiction. By offering a data exchange we would be able to continue to offer copies of these forms as soon as filed. If this idea is implemented, it could potentially save on cost, time, and resources for the filer, the FPPC, and the local filing officer.