8. Pre-Notice Discussion of Proposed Repeal and Amendment of Levine Act (Section 84308) Regulations and Related Regulations (18360.1, 18438.2-18438.8, 18705).

Staff: Toren Lewis, Commission Counsel, Legal Division; Kevin Cornwall, Senior Commission Counsel, Legal Division. Staff presents proposed amendments to Regulations 18360.1, 18438.2, 18438.4-18438.8, and 18705, as well as the proposed repeal of Regulation 18438.3. These changes are proposed in response to recent Levine Act legislation (SB 1243 and SB 1181), and to clarify and clean up the Commission’s related regulations. The proposed amendments are presented for pre-notice discussion and feedback, with potential adoption to occur at the March Commission meeting.

Staff Memo
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.2
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.3
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.4
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.5
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.6
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.7
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18438.8
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18360.1
Proposed Amendments to Regulation 18705.